Physio Seminars
Scientific Approach to Golf Injury Rehabilitation
Seminars for physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals are presented by physiotherapist and leading golf researcher -- David Lindsay along with physiotherapist -- Geoff Cuskelly and CPGA professional -- Dean Walker. Together they present an extremely practical and research-based golf rehabilitation and injury prevention program incorporating the latest developments in science and sport medicine.
Our educational seminars are based on clinical expertise, hands-on research, technical and teaching experience, and a love for the game. You’ll learn so much and have so much fun you won’t believe you’re on a Physio course!
Physiotherapists across the world have been enthusiastically supporting the FITforeGOLF seminar series since 1996.
No Golf Experience Necessary!
Learn from one of the top golf researchers in the world about the biomechanics of golf and the mechanisms and technique factors associated with common golf injuries.
Improve your clinical golf assessment skills.
Integrate the latest golf specific medical research into clinical practice.
Develop specific rehabilitation and injury prevention programs for golfers.
Do I need any golf experience?
No, although a little bit helps. In addition to learning how to recognize and treat golf injuries, you’ll also be shown how to improve your own golf swing.
What do I need to bring?
First and foremost a desire to learn while also having some fun. You’ll also need at least one club - a 7-iron although a putter and a sand wedge wouldn’t hurt either. A full set of clubs is recommended for the SPECIAL injury rehabilitation & golf instruction seminar. The golf course will have a limited number of rental sets available if required.
What should I wear?
Comfortable clothes & shoes that will let you swing a golf club. Please note that we will likely be at a golf course and most golf courses don’t allow jeans, t-shirts or spaghetti strap tops.
What is the format?
Typically each day starts with sit-down lectures. This is followed by workshops where different assessment, golf-specific exercise programs and technique adjustments are demonstrated and practiced.
What will I take away from the course?
Besides a lot of very practical and useful knowledge that has undergone scientific scrutiny and clinical success (that will apply to not only golf patients), you also receive very comprehensive manuals (so you won’t have to write very much) and a certificate indicating you have successfully completed the course.
Will I have an opportunity to play golf?
We usually will get a chance to play at least 9-holes at the end of most days. Driving range instruction and a full 18 holes of golf will be included in the SPECIAL injury rehabilitation & golf instruction seminar.